Choosing a hosting package can be quite a complicated task and the biggest mistake most make is assuming hosting is the same sort of service so why not look for the cheapest option available

In this post I will explain the basic hosting options generally available and how they perform for sending bulk emails which will hopefully help people make a more informed decision when choosing their next hosting service so lets start with the entry level hosting

Basic shared hosting

This is what most people start out with because it is very cheap and does the job of hosting a few websites

Shared hosting allows you to rent space on a shared hosting server along with hundreds if not thousands of other customers

Every server has a maximum capacity to store data and send emails, you can find a lot of services that claim to offer unlimited everything for a few dollars per month, in reality you will get a few customers taking the majority of the space and resources which means the service is slow and sluggish especially during busy times because there is no such thing as unlimited resources,

If you check this with any hosting provider, unlimited use is based on reasonable use and this accounts for a small percentage of the overall resources of the server per customer

We allocate actual resources so our customers don't run the risk of losing access or getting a limited service due to excessive use

Shared hosting is a good choice for marketers looking to get started and host a few websites, blogs, and sales pages,

Providing you choose a service that allocates guaranteed resources (Like Ours) you can have a perfectly good service for a few dollars per month,

Our own shared service for example starts from just $2.95 per month and you can find more details here

But Shared Hosting is not going to send bulk emails!

The biggest issue with shared hosting is it is not designed or intended to send bulk email, hosting providers limit email sending to a couple of hundred emails per day at best because it costs money to provide specially configured SMTP servers and multiple IP pools

Shared hosting normally only has 1 IP and every customer using the service shares the IP, no big deal to store website data, a major issue for anything related to email marketing

Emails are delivered based on the sender reputation of the sender domain and IP,

A shared IP is used by all sorts of spammers trying to game the system using cheap shared hosting to send spam and it is impossible to create an individual sender reputation in a shared hosting because it is impossible to add the domain records, like SPF, DKIM or the DMARC to validate individual domains

If you have ever tried to send bilk emails from a shared server using the SMTP server, this is the reason the emails were not delivered and dumped in the spam folder

VPS Hosting

VPS Virtual Private Server (VPS) Hosting is a cross between Shared & Dedicated. A physical server, called the parent, runs several VPS instances, which are granted a strict portion of the parent server’s hardware resources.

These instances are rented out and operate as independent servers from one another, so it’s essentially renting part of a dedicated server.

These plans range in prices and offer easy affordable scaling and better performance or security than a shared hosting website.

You also normally get a dedicated IP and for an additional fee you can get a cPanel license to access the DNS editor to add the records to verify sending domains to ensure you are building a trusted sender reputation

A VPS provides a good platform to host websites exclusively and no one is sharing the resources or IP so this is also great to send emails,

The downside to this choice is the VPS owner must manage the server upgrades and updates and validate the domain records etc so this service is recommended for marketers with some technical knowledge, prices start from around $30 per month plus management and support costs

Dedicated Server Hosting

The dedicated server is the top tier of web hosting, Dedicated Servers are just what the name implies, a server dedicated to you.

All the hardware that makes up the server is under your control. Dedicated servers often share network access with neighbouring dedicated servers in a data centre, but they share no hardware and each one is dedicated to its own customer.

These plans tend to be the most expensive but give you the best performance, security, and flexibility.

It is perfect to host as many websites as you need, load speeds are as fast as it gets, and you can send bulk emails using a dedicated IP which in turn builds a trusted sender reputation

Like a VPS, you will be required to manage the server resources and create and validate domain records, email accounts and general resources

Prices start from around $50 plus management and support, but you will need a lot of data and several websites to justify the costs

You can see the pro and cons of each of the 3 main hosting services above

Both VPS and dedicated servers are designed for faster loading websites and sending bulk marketing emails for the more experienced marketer

If you have a bigger list of several thousand contacts and some large websites a dedicated server may prove to be the best investment because you can send bulk emails from a dedicated IP and build a trusted sender reputation and host all the web pages you need

If you dont have a lot of web pages and sites but want a hosting service exclusively for your your own use that includes a dedicated IP to send bulk emails a VPS server is the cheaper option but the only issue with both these services is they require management and support which not everyone is comfortable doing and of course paying for this service is very expensive

Because of this exact issue and the typical costs to host websites with dedicated or VPS servers we have designed a perfect solution that provides the best of both worlds 

We are email marketing specialists and started life designing and creating email and SMS marketing platforms

Our hosting division soon followed because we could not find any service to provide reasonably priced hosting that included bulk email sending

This results in marketers hosting websites with 1 service, sending bulk emails with another, and using another autoresponder service to send email campaigns and view reports etc

This is clearly a very expensive way to do things and back in 2020 we launched our totally unique service specifically for email marketers

We combine the low cost of shared hosting with the benefits of sending bulk email from a dedicated IP using our bullet proof SMTP sending engine

We have designed a range of plans to suit all budgets and requirements

For brand new marketers our combined plans include our advanced email & SMS autoresponder app, bulk email sending using our bullet proof SMTP sending engine, a dedicated IP for each customer and premium hosting for unlimited websites

For the more experienced guys sending millions of emails already using an email app, our SMTP only service is the lowest priced service on the planet with outstanding results

Our services start from less than $25 per month and include everything a marketer needs to get great results with email marketing, click the link to see our range of services in more detail


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