
The ultimate guide to mastering email deliverability

Mastering email deliverability is crucial for any business or individual who relies on email communication. Email deliverability refers to the ability to successfully deliver emails to recipients' inboxes rather than having them end up in spam or junk folders. Here's an ultimate guide to help you improve and master email deliverability:

Build a quality email list:

 Start by collecting email addresses from engaged and interested subscribers. Avoid purchasing email lists, as they often contain invalid or uninterested addresses, which can harm your deliverability.

Implement a double opt-in process:

When someone signs up for your email list, send them a confirmation email to verify their subscription. This ensures that only interested recipients are added to your list and reduces the chances of spam complaints.

Send from a Dedicated IP

Emails get to the inbox when the sender reputation is high

The only way to GUARANTEE that you are building your own reputation is to use a dedicated IP and a fully validated domain name

You can find other services that send bulk email using SMTP or Restful API using shared IPs and whilst this can work, you are never in control of your own sender reputation

Warm up the IP

It is essential for any new IP to be slowly introduced to the major ISPs

An IP address is a unique string of numbers that identifies your email domain. An IP address is one of the most important factors that determine your sending reputation

ISPs use your IP address to identify you as a sender, track sending behaviour, and assign an IP reputation score. Better behaviour results in higher delivery rates.

We provide a bespoke warm up schedule in our software and this is included in our comprehensive set up service to ensure your IP is ready to go

Authenticate your emails:

Implement email authentication protocols like SPF (Sender Policy Framework), DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail), and DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance). These protocols verify your identity as a sender and help establish trust with email providers.

Monitor your sender reputation:

 Your sender reputation is a critical factor in email deliverability. Monitor it regularly using tools like Sender Score or Barracuda Central to identify any issues or negative trends. Maintain a good sender reputation by following best practices.

Optimize your email content:

Craft your emails with the recipient in mind. Avoid using spam trigger words, excessive capitalization, or misleading subject lines. Use a clean HTML structure, optimize images, and include a plain text version for better deliverability.

Segment your email list:

 Divide your email list into smaller segments based on subscriber preferences, engagement levels, or demographics. By targeting specific segments with relevant content, you can improve open rates and reduce the likelihood of being marked as spam.

Practice good list hygiene:

Regularly clean your email list by removing inactive or unengaged subscribers. High bounce rates or spam complaints can harm your deliverability, so it's important to keep your list up to date and engaged.

Test before sending:

 Before sending a large email campaign, perform tests by sending emails to various email providers and checking how they render and whether they land in the inbox or spam folder. This helps identify potential issues and allows for adjustments before the actual send.

Monitor and analyze email performance:

Track key metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and spam complaints. Analyze the data to understand what resonates with your audience and make data-driven decisions to improve your future email campaigns.

Maintain a healthy sending frequency:

 Avoid sending too many emails in a short period as it can lead to higher unsubscribe rates or spam complaints. Also, don't go long periods without sending emails, as it might cause disengagement from your subscribers.

Respond to feedback and complaints:

 Monitor and respond promptly to feedback or complaints from subscribers. Provide a clear and easy way for recipients to unsubscribe, as it's better to have an engaged, smaller list than a large, uninterested one.

Stay up to date with email industry changes:

The email industry is constantly evolving, and email providers adjust their algorithms and spam filters regularly. Stay informed about best practices, industry updates, and changes to adapt and optimize your email strategy.

By following these guidelines and best practices, you'll be well on your way to mastering email deliverability. Remember that building a positive reputation, providing valuable content, and engaging with your subscribers are key to successful email communication.

Tips for building your email marketing list

Building an email marketing list is crucial for the success of your email campaigns. Here are some tips to help you grow your email marketing list:

Create compelling opt-in opportunities:

 Offer valuable incentives to encourage visitors to subscribe to your email list. This could be a discount, exclusive content, a free e-book, or access to a webinar or course.

Use prominent sign-up forms:

Place sign-up forms prominently on your website, such as in the header, sidebar, or footer. Make it easy for visitors to find and fill out the form by keeping it simple and requesting only essential information.

Optimize landing pages:

Create dedicated landing pages that highlight the benefits of subscribing to your emails. Clearly state what subscribers can expect to receive and how it will benefit them. Use persuasive copy and appealing visuals to increase conversions.

Leverage social media:

Promote your email list on social media platforms to reach a wider audience. Use social media posts, ads, and CTAs to direct people to your sign-up forms or landing pages.

Run contests or giveaways:

Encourage people to join your email list by running contests or giveaways. Ask participants to provide their email address as an entry requirement. This can help attract new subscribers and generate buzz around your brand.

Optimize your website for mobile users:

With the majority of internet users accessing content on mobile devices, ensure that your sign-up forms and landing pages are mobile-friendly and easy to navigate. A seamless mobile experience improves conversion rates.

Offer personalized content and recommendations:

Tailor your email content to your subscribers' interests and preferences. Segment your email list based on demographics, past interactions, or purchase history to send targeted and relevant emails.

Provide social proof:

Display testimonials, reviews, or social media mentions that highlight the positive experiences of your existing subscribers. Social proof can build trust and encourage others to join your email list.

Host webinars or online events:

Organize webinars or online events on topics relevant to your target audience. Require participants to register with their email addresses, allowing you to capture leads and add them to your email list.

Optimize your email signature:

 Include a call-to-action and a link to your sign-up form or landing page in your email signature. This way, anyone you communicate with via email has the opportunity to subscribe to your list.