Nearly There, Complete your order below

Step 1:

Register your account.

Once you click the Buy Now button below, we require you to provide a domain name to register your account, we include a new domain registration as part of the offer, if you wish to use an existing domain select the option in the process

Register a new domain name

If you don’t have an existing domain name or you want to create your account with a new domain name, select this option

Transfer your domain to us

This option is not applicable for new accounts, if you have a domain and want to host with us, use the option below to use your existing domain and you will see the option to transfer your domain in the admin area once your account is active

Transfer an Existing Domain Name

Select this option to use an existing domain you own, enter the domain and click to use and the account will be created using this domain and you simply change the nameservers in your current hosting

Step 2

Configure your service

You can choose to pay in USD or GBP

Select the currency you wish to use and confirm

Click Continue

Step 4

Review & Checkout

Click Checkout, enter your details and make your payment

Read and agree to the terms and conditions and your account will be created.

We ask you to login to the email account you have used to confirm the email is yours and you will receive your host login details by return and a link to provide the information we require to complete website build

What happens next?

Once you make the payment, you will receive a welcome email with full details of your service, links to access the host admin area and cPanel and a getting started with your hosting guide

If you are using a domain name you already own, make sure you change the nameservers in your current host and these details are provided in the account email

By clicking the buy now button you agree with our Terms & Conditions and confirm that you have read our Privacy Policy. You can cancel recurring payments at any time.