Generic pre-designed templates that are often used as a starting point for web design projects.

These templates provide a basic structure and design elements, allowing designers to customize them to suit their specific needs.

While using such templates can save time and effort, it's important to ensure that the final design is unique and tailored to the brand or purpose of the website. Here are some considerations and tips for working with web site templates:

Customization: The primary goal when using a pre-made template is to customize it extensively.

 Change colours, fonts, images, and other design elements to align with the brand or theme of the website. This will help prevent the site from looking generic and distinguish it from other websites using the same template.

Branding: Incorporate the brand's identity into the design. Use the company's logo, colour scheme, and other brand elements consistently across the website. This helps establish a strong brand presence and makes the site memorable.

Content Placement: Consider the type of content that will be on the website and adjust the layout accordingly. Ensure that the template supports the information architecture and content hierarchy that best serves the website's purpose.

Responsive Design: Ensure that the template is responsive, meaning it adjusts to different screen sizes and devices. Mobile responsiveness is crucial as more users access websites from smartphones and tablets.

Performance Optimization: Optimize the website's performance by compressing images, utilizing efficient coding practices, and minimizing unnecessary elements. A fast-loading website is essential for a positive user experience.

User Experience (UX): Pay attention to the user experience. Navigation should be intuitive, and important information should be easily accessible. A well-designed user interface enhances the overall usability of the site.

SEO-Friendly: Ensure that the template is search engine friendly. This includes having clean and semantic code, using proper heading tags, and incorporating relevant keywords into the content.

Cross-Browser Compatibility: Test the website on different browsers to ensure compatibility. The design should look and function consistently across popular browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge.

Legal Considerations: Check the licensing agreements of the template to make sure you have the right to use and modify it. Some templates may have restrictions on commercial use or require attribution.

Testing and Iteration: Before launching the website, thoroughly test it to identify and fix any issues. Gather feedback from users and stakeholders and be prepared to make adjustments as needed.

Remember, while web templates can be a helpful starting point, the key is to transform them into a unique and purposeful design that reflects the specific needs and branding of the website.

Our web design service provides a totally unique concept in premium web design, we have made a significant investment to create a comprehensive range of popular local business website themes built on a premium Elegant DIVI theme used by over 800,000 customers. 

We have removed the high cost of creating a brand new web structure from scratch by using a done for you premium theme, our design team then create a totally bespoke website adding new images, content, links and branding totally unique for each new customer which is the clever way to get a premium website which would cost in excess of £2000 if we were to create the exact same website from scratch for less than £500

To get more details and to see real life demo examples of over 30 local business website themes please click here.


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