
Congratulations on your Purchase

You have made a great decision to trust InboxingPro to provide all of your email marketing requirements to get the best possible results from your email marketing campaigns


How would you like to get up to 5 times the results using our brand new Enterprise X edition Platform which seamlessly adds SMS text message marketing to your email app

Powerful cross channel marketing using email and 2 way SMS text messages

Combining the power of our Enterprise email app with the outstanding delivery of our SMS platform using advanced chat bot technology in 1 easy to use dashboard

We provide a business communications platform for you to use for your own marketing campaigns and to provide both email and SMS marketing services to your clients from our comprehensive client portal with no 3rd party Integrations

The more touch points you have with a new enquiry or customer,  the more engagement is generated and this presents more opportunity to convert a lead into a paying customer and it simply does not get any better than using email and SMS text message marketing

Every business needs more leads, customers and sales

Local, National, eCom it doesn’t really matter,

But getting your marketing message opened is getting more and more difficult

Email marketing is still the most popular communication channel with a staggering 2.4 million emails sent worldwide per second!

With that said...

It’s no wonder it’s getting harder and harder to get your email messages delivered

The main issue is the major ISPs like Google and Yahoo are at breaking point trying to combat spam!

Because of this, they are making it more and more difficult to get emails past their complex spam filters

We identified this growing issue back in 2017 and we created our unique email autoresponder app that gets more emails delivered to the inbox not the spam box by building in key protocols to authenticate every email sent from the app to automatically pass the 3 key ISP requirements to become a trusted sender

Whilst email will always be the most popular form of marketing communication, adding new channels is essential or you will get left behind!

In early 2018 we looked at various channels to add to our email platform

The market has been recently flooded with...

Live Chat bots, Facebook Messenger Bots, Many Chat Bots, Push Notification plugins etc

Whilst they all have a part to play...

The number 1 platform that out-performs all of them hands down is...

SMS Text messages

After 9 months development, we launched our standalone SMS platform, Inboxingprotext in late 2018 which has been a massive success

SMS text message marketing has some major advantages compared to email, the biggest being the massive open rates up to 98% withing 3 minutes

  • We saw the simplicity of using text messages that require no format or design
  • No spam issues to worry about
  • No fake contact details to clog up the system
  • And the low costs to deliver the messages almost instantly

Imagine sending 1000 text messages for just $15 and getting 900 opened withing 3 minutes...This is the sheer power of text message marketing

Back in early 2019 after the hugely successful launch of our SMS only platform we launched our flagship Enterprise X platform combining SMS and email marketing in to 1 easy to use platform with no 3rd party integrations required


Unique platform – Outstanding results - Comprehensive features

We have designed this platform with total flexibility in mind

Use for your own campaigns

As a business owner or marketer, use for your own marketing campaigns to massively boost conversions, customer engagement and retention

Provide Professional Services

As an agency or local consultant, provide professional marketing services to local businesses with no 3rd party integrations required and If there is an easier way to generate recurring monthly fees, I am yet to see it

Forget about competing with the other consultants selling the same old services!

Discount coupons on social media

Google maps

Local ads

SEO Services

Web design etc

And anything else you can think of!

Forget about waiting for days, weeks and months to produce results for your clients...

You can deliver a positive ROI in Week 1

This is the sheer power of using cross channel marketing

Comprehensive features simply not found in any other platform or service

Lead Generation - This is where the magic happens!

Using SMS text messages to drive new enquires is ten times more effective than using email alone

Our totally unique system still extracts the name and email from the prospect using our automated chat bot which works like gangbusters as you can see in the examples below

Most people now are very aware of the possible consequences of getting spammed entering their details to an email contact form which is backed up by falling industry open rates

More and more people use fake or disposable email addresses just to get the content on offer making email even less effective

With SMS its quick and easy

No name or email required, enter 1 word, press send and within 1 minute you have a reply and because the customer has initiated the conversation, they are normally happy to provide their name and email to get the information they have requested

We add each contact to an email list and an SMS phone book contact list automatically

Here is the process in action using a VIP Club offer

Customer is asked to text JOIN to the local number

Reply asks for their name and then for the email to send the details

Simply, quick and incredibly effective

Contact added to the SMS phone book list and the email list to receive future autoresponder and broadcast messages

Lets face it, text messages are a way of life

If we want to contact our friends or family, we send a quick text and what do we all do when we receive that text

We open it because we have our phone to hand, how many times have you not opened a text message?

This is the reason 98% of all text messages are opened within 3 minutes

Massively increase opt-in rates using a combination of email and SMS text message marketing

Website landing pages

Create great looking email forms using our 100% editable opt-in form templates, connect to a page builder software or connect directly to over 2000 apps using our Zapier integration

Subscribers are added to an email list AND to a separate SMS contact list

Social media SMS lead generation

Using advanced chat bot technology, we can convert a cold enquiry into a lead from social media or a website visit very easily and because no personal data is required the conversions are much higher

We dont ask for a name or email, simply text a keyword to the number to get the details and this is why SMS lead generation is 4 times more effective than email alone

Instore Promotions

Create flyers, inserts and posters to help get the word out

Incentivise the offer and creating a special VIP club is a great way to reward existing customers who are the main asset of any business

Here is how the process works

Look how much more effective lead generation is when adding SMS to email

When a subscriber enters their details in either an email or SMS lead form, they are automatically added to an email list and an SMS phone book contact list automatically

Create a welcome email to be delivered after subscription and schedule a welcome SMS text message to suit your own campaign requirements

Sending email and SMS welcome messages can double your conversions!

In this example below, the welcome email is triggered immediately after the subscriber opts in and the SMS text message is sent 1 hour after which can massively improve open and click through rates

Using cross channel marketing massively increases open rates

If you can get 70% delivery rates with a monthly service you are doing great..

What about 70% OPEN RATES!

78% Open Rates - 62% Click Through

81 % Open Rates - 23% Click Through

71% Open Rates - 17% Click Through

66% Open Rates - 32% Click Through

Convert cold leads to customers

Using our unique, 2 way advanced chat bot technology, easily convert cold enquires to leads, orders or bookings on complete auto-pilot

Use social media covers, banners and printed flyers to get the word out fast about your latest offer 

In the example below, this campaign is to promote a new VIP Club for a local restaurant

All messages sent to the number with the Keyword SMSVIP are automatically added to a contact list and receive an automated reply

Quickly and easily Create special offers and events

Here is a social media banner for a local car repair shop using a discount offer,  its painting by numbers easy to create unlimited chat bot flows as you can see below

Create automated upsells to increase revenue

Here is an example of a car repair shop providing an upsell offer in the automated reply

This is a great way to increase the value of the customer and recoup the original discount offer

Its simple to set up and incredibly effective

Existing Customer campaigns

Send targeted campaigns to 1000s with exclusive offers

Use keyword campaigns to segment customers based on offers and actions

Send a bulk 2 way message asking for a reply to a keyword, in this example its WINE and all replies are moved to a new phone book and the customer automatically receives the code to claim the offer 

Create set and forget Autoresponder campaigns

Deliver the latest offers direct to your customers phone every day, week or month to suit your clients business on autopilot

Simply create a landing page and upload the latest offers and deals

Create the autoresponder message and add the link to the landing page

Set the message to deliver weekly, monthly or at a custom time to suit and the messages are delivered on autopilot

It really doesn’t get any easier to drive more customers each and every week with the minimum amount of work required

Provide 24/7 Automated email/SMS Support

It doesn’t really matter how big your business is, we all need a support desk or some way in which customers and would be customers can contact us

There is nothing more annoying than waiting for days to get a reply to a support request, it may be technical and needs immediate attention or it may be a customer on the edge of confirming an order

Never miss a ticket or leave your customers waiting again

Set up a support desk using our chat bot with an exclusive keyword and simply map out the chat flow

Add the number to websites, social media and promotions

Here is a chat bot support example that collects the email address of the contact which is passed to the relevant department all on auto-pilot

Existing Customer support issue

New customer sales enquiry

Massively boost conversions using live chat

In this example, everyone who replies to the social media banner offer sending a text with the keyword GYMOFFER is added to a phone book contact list and an email list

The chat bot delivers the reply and directs the customer to check thier email for details of the offer 

Each chatbot flow is saved in the system and you can find the customer from the name or the telephone number from the list as you can see

You can see the bot replies for the special offer above but look at the power of using live chat below to convert the lead

Reply in real time and provide the very best customer service

Create urgency, add a further discount or any other CTA,this is the flexibility and sheer power of our automated chat bot flows

 This is an incredibly powerful, totally unique feature, you can make replies in real time to hundreds of customers from 1 dashboard in minutes

But it gets even better...

 100% Mobile Responsive so you never miss a lead!

We are all busy people and not always sat at the PC, but we do always have our phone

We have created a yet another totally unique feature that allows you to set up an instant notification that is sent to your phone when a new enquiry replies to any keyword you have set up

Add the phone number that you want to receive the update to the chat flow and each new enquiry triggers the alert and provides the number of the enquiry and the keyword

Login to the app on your PC, find the enquiry and reply in real time or login to the app directly from your own phone and make unlimited replies to unlimited enquires in real time

Use Live Chat to provide the personal touch to close the deal

Use live chat to send a personal message, you can login to check each message from the alerts set up

You can simply turn off the chat bot and send and receive live messages in real time which is super powerful when you have a hot lead

Never miss an enquiry even when you are closed 

Provide automated updates and answers to business enquiries even when the restaurant is closed

Use the chat bot to provide general information and links to important web page information

Never miss an enquiry from a new restaurant owner, never miss an enquiry for your restaurant clients

This is without doubt the most comprehensive email & SMS platform ON THE PLANET and provides a total solution!

Choose how you delivery email campaigns

Getting Started

Connect to your or your clients host SMTP server in seconds using pre-configured templates and deliver a few hundred emails for FREE

Send like a Pro

Connect to our specialist SMTP server exclusively designed for serious email marketing professionals and send unlimited emails per month using a dedicated IP for superior delivery to the primary inbox

Outstanding SMS Delivery

 We connect to worldwide, industry leading platforms to provide outstanding service and fast delivery

Local quality

With Global Low Latency (GLL), your messages automatically take the shortest and highest quality path. Local carrier connections worldwide help us validate that your messages can be delivered, and you receive real-time delivery status

Local numbers (US) for better conversions and 2-way messages

According to recent research, as many as 64% of customers want to be able to engage with companies via two-way messaging and acquiring a long number (also known as a virtual mobile number) enables businesses to do just that.

It has also been proven that customers much prefer to call and text local numbers rather than national telephone or short code text message numbers

You can provide a local number to each of your US clients based on their exact location

Each customer can register their own brand ID which is what the recipient sees when a 1-way message is delivered (Not available in US, only number is used for 1- and 2-way messages)

Send 2-way messages from a unique local telephone number to domestic numbers (Mobile Numbers only UK)

Great for local restaurants to use for promotions to create long term value

Automatic built in opt Out process

Add an automatic opt out link in each message and recipient is automatically removed from all contact lists for 100% compliance

Campaign reports

See the stats on all campaigns sent, you can view each recipient and the success of the message

Delivery reports

View detailed delivery reports on all messages sent and received

Sending credits are automatically deducted for the account balance for messages sent and received

We provide a full 2 way SMS service in, US, Canada and the UK

We include a unique local telephone number as part of this offer

Additional numbers can also be purchased for clients directly inside the app and the cost is from just $5 per month per number paid annually in advance

Credits are pay as you go and are purchased directly inside the app, we include 60 days of service, after this time, providing a minimum spend of $15 per month is being made for credits, the rental of your unique telephone number is included in the annual license fee

Buy credits at a discounted rate

If you are based in the US and Canada you can buy 1000 credits for just $25

UK credits cost 0.07 pence each

Can you imagine the results you can achieve for your business..

Sending 1000 messages and getting over 900 opened and read within 3 minutes for just $25

Got Questions - We got the Answers!

I am not technical, is this easy to set up

Yes, we have made it copy and paste simple. All you need to do is copy some code we provide and add it to your hosting records following our easy to follow video tutorials

The app can be set up and ready to send emails in less than 10 minutes and remember this set up is only required once

Do I need hosting to install the app?

No, we host the app, so you don’t need to host or install anything

Can I send emails from a shared hosting?

The simple answer is Yes but with some provisions.

Because the hosting is shared you are sending your emails from a shared server with hundreds of others so the chances of getting blacklisted is very high

The other issue is you cannot always validate and verify your own domains so its impossible to start to build your senders reputation which as we hope you now appreciate is key to getting the best delivery

The best solution if you currently have shared hosting is to switch to our exclusive hosting plan which is designed for email marketers and includes a dedicated IP and an unlimited email sending allowance

Are there any other fees after I purchase

We include a unique number to send and receive your campaigns as part of this offer and we include 30 days service

Credits are require to send and receive messages and providing a minimum of $15 is spent each month the cost of the number rental is included in rhe annual lixense

Do I have to create accounts with Text message providers like Twilio

No, our service is self contained with no 3rd party integrations required and everything is set yup and ready to go

Do you provide Support

Yes, we are proud of our customer support, we provide 24/7 live chat on our website and we have a support desk directly inside our customer admin area for any other questions

Do I have to pay any additional fees?

No, the cost today includes all future updates, upgrades and support for 12 Months access and the cost is fixed for each additional years access

What about future updates, are these included

Yes, we include all future updates and upgrades for the duration of your license

Which SMTP relay servers does this app integrate with

We have full API integration with Amazon SES, Sparkpost, Sendgrid, Mandrill, Mailjet, Sendmail, Leadersend, PHP email, Tipimail, Mailgun, Elastic Email, MailerQ

Do you provide any set up and user guides?

Yes, we provide a member’s area and you can find lots of great resources to help you get the most out of email marketing.  You will also find detailed set up and user guide video tutorials and typically you can be set up and ready to go in less than 30 minutes

Can I really save a lot of money by switching from my monthly service?

Yes, for sure, you can send a few hundred emails for free using your own hosting SMTP server

For bulk sending you can send 100k emails using our own SMTP service for less than $10 so there is no real comparison to services like aweber and Get response who charge substantially more with a far inferior delivery

What does the 14-day money back guarantee include

Quite simply if you want a refund for any reason within 14 days just open a support ticket and let us know and we will issue a prompt refund normally within 24 hours

Not for you?

We appreciate not everyone wants to use cross channel marketing and email is all that is required


Click the link below to check out how you can save a fortune on super-fast hosting AND send up to 100,000 bulk emails per month for FREE