Thank You For Your Purchase

Please click the links to download your exclusive Bonuses Below

Bonus 1

4 Additional DFY Websites - Value $197

To make the offer a complete no brainer if it’s not already I have managed to get 4 more complete websites for the following business types, so you will hit the ground running with 10 done for you website templates 

Bonus 2

WP Training Kit - Value $37

The Website done for you templates are built for Wordpress which is the biggest platform in the world

To get the most out of the service we are including a complete, step-by-step WordPress video training course encompassing everything you need to know to make WordPress work for your business, from scratch

Bonus 3

Agency Prospecting Videos - Value $97

Research shows that whiteboard video grabs attention, encourages viewer engagement and allows consumers to recall information better than any other type of video because people just love to see things being drawn.

Introducing 6 DFY prospecting videos to help you promote your local marketing services.

Bonus 4 

 Create Video with Camtasia - Value $37

Camtasia has become the Gold Standard for Video Creation and you can become an expert using this exclusive training.

The new version makes things much easier to create and you Can Become an Overnight Authority With Our Simple To Follow Training and Instruction