
Thank you for requesting our FREE Training report Blueprint to Inboxing Success

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Whilst you wait for that, take your email marketing to the next level and create a complete system GUARANTEED to get outstanding results without breaking the bank!

New Mass Gmail Rejections Started April 2024, Google Says...

Are you ready?

The only way to Guarantee emails are delivered to the inbox in 2024 and beyond is to create a trusted sender domain reputation and adopt best practice procedures.

Here is the bad news...

The fallout from the 1st February Google update hasn’t even begun yet so strap in if you are not fully prepared!

According to Forbes Magazine..

"Senders of mass marketing emails had started to receive error messages relating to some messages sent to Gmail accounts. 

However, a Google spokesperson has told me that those specific errors, 550-5.7.56, were not new but “a product of pre-existing authentication requirements.”

What does this mean for email marketers?

Unless you are set up and validated exactly how Google need to see your sending domain structure your bulk emails will be blocked!

Its not sexy but its critical you address any issues NOW before you suddenly find your campaigns to Gmail users are completely blocked starting in June 2024 after a soft launch in April

With that said...

Its no wonder its getting harder to get bulk emails delivered to the inbox with spam at an all time high

The introduction in February for everyone sending bulk emails to have fully validated domain records in place was only the start

If they decide to go even deeper to combat spam, marketers not following the latest rules and adopting best practice procedures will struggle with many likely to lose a significant amount of profit from their email marketing business

Its already getting harder and this is before the new rules are applied!

If you do email marketing, you will no doubt have seen a decline in results recently and it is not going to get any easier


Incredibly, Gmail alone block almost 15 BILLION spam emails every day and they have a 99.9% success rate using complex AI filters so if you still think you can game the system, might be time for a rethink.

Google & Yahoo Introduce New Rules in February 2024

I am sure you will have seen the updates about what is now required to comply with Google’s new requirements on sending bulk email.

In brief, unless domain names used to send bulk email can be verified as being owned by the sender by creating and validating SPF, DKIM and DMARC records and adding them to the domain DNS, chances are emails sent from non-validated sender domains will not reach the inbox.

Before we go any further... 

lets address the elephant in the room after the recent Google update

Creating and validating the domain  SPF, DKIM and and DMARC records now required by Google will somehow ensure your emails are delivered to the inbox and we can all ride off into the sunset!


In all honesty, creating the correct records and validating the domain DNS is not a difficult or expensive task 

You can find services to create and validate the domain records required for as little as $20 on services like Fiverr BUT this is only 1 piece of the email marketing delivery puzzle

Unless you adopt a totally different approach to your future email marketing, chances are your emails will never see the light of day

Spammers are very clever and ahead of the game

 Because they know they are trying to game the system

They put as many things in place as possible to help them and creating domain records is a very simple task and it is not surprising that 89% of domains flagged for sending spam have these records in place

So what is the answer to getting more emails delivered to the inbox

Whilst there is not 1 single factor that can fix email delivery, the starting point is to create a trusted sender domain reputation

Get this right and your emails will be delivered to the inbox, get this wrong and you will constantly have delivery issues

Sender Domain Reputation

Unless your domain is classed as having a trusted sender reputation, everything else that you have been told is important (and it is) is secondary because your emails will not get past the spam filters that block 99.9% of all spam emails

This is 1 of our domains we use to send bulk email, as you can see, we have a 99/100 score and great sender reputation

Once you harness the power of a trusted sender domain name and apply the latest methods that are proven to work in 2024 and beyond, you can look forward to outstanding delivery results from every campaign

If you can achieve an 80% delivery rate with a monthly service you are doing great...

What about getting 60% - 80% OPEN RATES as many of our customers achieve on a daily basis!

So who am I and why can I help

My name is David Henry and I am the CEO of DHM Digital, based in the UK

We provide digital marketing services to small and medium sized businesses.  We design and build email and SMS marketing platforms and provide specialist hosting services

Our first email autoresponder, Inboxingpro was launched back in 2017 and is still going from strength to strength

We added our SMS marketing portal using advanced 2-way chat bot technology in 2019 and our specialist hosting division for email marketers followed in 2020,  so I think its fair to say we know a little about email marketing!

We were way ahead of the curve back in 2017 and still are today

We could see the growing issue of sending emails from non validated domain names and back in 2017 when we created our first email autoresponder app, Inboxingpro, we made it a default requirement to create and validate both SPF, DKIM and DMARC records before our service can be used

You can see from the image, the records are created automatically and added to the customer DNS editor

Because of this additional, automatic domain validation, our customers have enjoyed unmatched email delivery

Automated Bulk email validations

You can see exactly how each email is validated by the major ISPs and is delivered or rejected based on the domain records in place, unless you have this process built into your outbound bulk email campaigns you will never see any real success

Best practice is even more important now...

Once you adopt good habits and have the correct framework in place you can quickly build up a trusted sender reputation

Email marketing now is almost an exact science and unless you are aware of everything that can impact on your delivery...

You run the risk of losing out on generating new subscribers, leads and sales because a large percentage of your emails won’t reach the inbox.

Getting your email system up to date and compliant with the new Google rules will help but this alone will not guarantee your emails reach the inbox.

If you are not happy with your current results or want to reduce your monthly fees and get better email delivery

Its time to take control of your own email sender reputation and stop using shared IPs from expensive monthly services because the only way to GUARANTEE YOUR OWN SENDER REPUTATION is to use a dedicated IP and fully validated domain name


Email Marketing Starts with a Trusted Sender Reputation

Get this right and your emails will be delivered to the inbox, get this wrong and you will constantly have delivery issues

Many believe creating a trusted sender domain reputation will take months or even years to achieve and simply never take the steps required to achieve this.

In this training we focus on creating a structure that passes the filters and new requirements of the major ISPs in 2024 and beyond

If you are a seasoned pro, you will no doubt be seeing your open rates decline and this step-by-step blueprint will help repair your email marketing system

If you are brand new, simply follow the step-by-step guide to create a system that is set up for long term success and in as little as 14 days you can start to build a trusted sender reputation

Check out some genuine feedback from customers using our service...



I have been mailing my lists with top tier autoresponders like Aweber and infusionsoft for years.

I have also tried dozens of self-hosting options. I have been mailing with my own server and self-hosting for the last 4 years as well. I've tried the WordPress plugins, the web-based option along with the server-based ones.

 I own arpreach, mailster, sendy, mail poet, Sean Donohue's imsc mailer along with too many others to list here. And now I only use InboxingPro!

I am happy to say I have no need for any of the other options. This does everything I need and more.

I am even getting a higher inbox rate than I was with aweber.

And I am no longer going automatically to the "promotions" tab thanks to InboxingPro.

 I will be using this for many many years to come.  Thank you, David, for provide such a stellar piece of kit.

JP. James "Coach Comeback" Holland Real Estate CPR.com


 I have used a wide variety of email platforms, from Aweber to Infusionsoft and I have to say for the price, the features far outweigh the cost.  In fact, this is not a real cost to me - it is a saving.

Additionally, the "mailing" or should I say campaign side of InboxingPro is just as impressive.

Your Set-Up and User Guides are excellent.  Anyone that can read should be able to be set up with no issues

And the ability to mail though multiple mail servers simultaneously makes the mail delivery time extremely fast, which is helpful with a big list.

Campaign set up is quite efficient, which I really like, and you have done a good job with helpful tips here and there in the platform.

Overall, I have been extremely happy.

The new tutorials are great,  I think they will be especially helpful for those with a little less experience.

Jeff Smith MontanaSEOservices.com

We have created this outstanding resource based on hundreds of hours of testing and tweaking

It doesn’t matter if you use a monthly service, self-hosted SMTP server or a cloud based managed service, domain reputation is now critical if you want to get more emails delivered to the inbox.

We provide a private members area access packed with the latest strategies, methods and free tools now required to get long term results delivered in 10 comprehensive modules

Quick start guide

If you are brand new or want to quickly check the status of your current system, the quick start guide is the place to start, follow the step-by-step guide and simply apply the recommendations.

Setting up the service

The first thing we address is the current status of the domain used to send bulk email and we do this with access to a FREE TOOL

Monitor your reputation.

It’s like a credit score for your sender reputation.

Enter your IP address or domain and get a number between 0 and 100 that represents how trustworthy you appear to mailbox providers.

What makes a good or sender reputation

Mailbox providers take a lot of metrics into consideration to determine your sender reputation score, including spam complaints, how many unknown users you send email to, if you’re on any industry blocklists, and more and this free tool provides important data to find and fix any issues

Domain Record Validations

Getting the important domain records in place is now Critical now after the recent Gmail update at the beginning of February.

We provide detailed information of exactly which record to create and add to your DNS based on the type of service you are using, and we provide a free set up wizard to create and validate the SPF, DKIM and DMARC records.

SPF (Sender Policy Framework) allows domain owners to specify which mail servers are authorized to send emails on behalf of their domain. This helps prevent spammers from forging the “from” address in an email.

DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) adds a digital signature to an email message, allowing the recipient’s mail server to verify that the message was sent by an authorized sender and has not been altered in transit.

DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) builds on SPF and DKIM by providing a framework for email authentication. It enables owners to specify how their messages should be handled 

Google Postmaster Tools

 Essential tool now especially after so much importance is placed on domain reputation and validation.

Amazing data source under used or ignored by most marketers, this is a hidden gem and provides amazing insights and feedback in a detailed dashboard.

Free to use, we provide a detailed step by step guide to create a free account and provide a comprehensive guide to understanding the tools and data it includes.

This is highly recommended and will make a massive difference to every marketer performance.

You will learn how to add domains to your account and validate using DNS and monitor the following metrics.

The importance of a dedicated IP

Using a dedicated IP is key to getting the best possible email delivery but too many marketers don’t understand how to use this powerful tool to take their email delivery to the next level

They assume, they can simply blast thousands of emails from day 1 and expect perfect delivery because they are sending from a dedicated IP.


Unless you understand the exact process to introduce this IP to the major ISPs like Google, your campaigns will never see the light of day

SMTP Sending Engine

f you want to take 100% control of your email sending the only way is to create your own bespoke system

We provide a step-by-step plan to create a powerful bespoke SMTP sending engine that can send millions of emails per month for a fraction of the cost of a typical service and we provide instant access and done for you set up to hit the inbox not the spam box.

Warming IPs and Domain names

Why warming up domains and IPs is super important even if they are established and why most people get this totally wrong

This is an essential requirement most overlooked or completed incorrectly

We provide a range of warm up plans for different list sizes which are copy and paste simple

Once the warm up process is completed correctly the system is ready to scale safely

Case Study 37% Open rates

We include a case study showing how we added a brand-new account and IP on 31st January and sent a warm up campaign to a brand new list of 710 subscribers on 1st February (When the new Google rules came in force) and got a 37% open rate and only 1 bounce email

Email Revenue Calculator

See how much your
emails earn

Discover the true revenue potential of your email campaigns using our email revenue calculator.

How to create the perfect email campaign

Writing style is a personal choice but you must create your campaign with the fundamentals in place to ensure your email is delivered to the recipient’s inbox not spam box.

In this training you will learn how to structure your campaigns to pass the spam filters and score the highest possible scores sending a variety of campaigns

Build relationships. 

Boost brand awareness. .

Promote your content.

Generate leads. 

Market your products.

Nurture leads.

A great email starts with a great subject line and if If you are short on inspiration, we include the top 50 subject line examples proven to convert and once you have created your perfect subject line

We provide free access to a great tool that checks the subject line for several factors and provides a score showing you the chances of getting past the spam filters.

Its pointless spending time to create the best converting email copy if the email doesn’t get past the spam filters and this is an invaluable free tool

Subject line checker using a free tool

Test your subject lines for spam and get a score to pass the test before you send to ensure the campaigns get past the subject line filters

Once you have your subject line perfected, time to craft the perfect copy and you will learn the perfect text to image ratio and access to a spam checker tool that checks the copy, domain record validations and image links and provides a score out of 10.

Text to image ratio

Sending an email with only one big, beautiful, image is like sending a love letter in a spreadsheet – it’s just not appropriate.

An email is not a magazine page.

But a picture is worth a 1000 words… Isn’t it?

Discover how to create the perfect balance and how to add the correct image codes to help open rates

Check for spam before you send any campaigns.

Free access to an advanced spam checker tool that checks the campaign body, subject line, domain validation and delivery server settings so every email sent is totally compliant.

See what Gmail tab your email lands in

Once you have crafted the perfect email, tested the subject line and checked the copy for spam, we use a free service that provides real time data for Gmail delivery 

Send your email to real Gmail accounts which are provided by the service and  the 100% FREE EMAIL TESTER will show you exactly if your email campaign is destined for the inbox or the spam folder?

Now you can check deliverability in advance and this is an invaluable FREE tool

Gmail Promotions tab hack

Force Gmail to deliver to the primary tab using the Inverse Promotion method

Easily worth 10 times the cost of this entire training resource!

Discover a little know legal loophole that can massively boost your open rates by moving emails from the promotion tab directly to the primary tab.

This is gold and has nothing to do with domain record validations, dedicated IPs or SMTP sending engines, simply apply this hack which takes minutes and watch your emails move out of the promotions tab and hit the primary tab.  

Blacklists, the facts!

As email marketers, getting added to a blacklist is going to happen at some point, either because your campaigns breech the rules, or you have been placed on a list by accident which does happen in real life far too often

We will all experience the shock and horror of discovering our IP or domain name is listed on a blacklist.

The main thing here is not to panic and we provide a very detailed module that provides everything required to understand what a blacklist is and what steps are required to quickly and easily remove your domain from any blacklist.

This is the biggest single issue marketers face and most simply write off the domain and start again

This is a short-lived strategy because unless you are aware of what is causing your domain to be blacklisted and what steps to take to ensure you will never be added to any more lists the cycle will continue.

This module also includes detailed, step by step instructions to remove your domain quickly and easily from the worlds top 13 blacklists and include Google, Yahoo and Microsoft and this is essential training we will all need at some point.

Additional Blocks and Restrictions

Getting blocked or restricted can be the result of a number of issues and we provide a range of free tools below to check the important aspects of bulk email marketing to uncover any possible problems

Once you can identify the exact cause of your issue, it is much easier to address the problem

Bounce Look ups

Blocklist Look ups

List Quality Checker

Blocklist Removal Tool

Gmail Spam filters

We all hear of the Gmail spam filters but very few people are actually aware of what is included or how this works, we provide a detailed list of the complex filters you need to be aware of to ensure more of your emails are delivered to the inbox

Best practice and good housekeeping

Several factors impact email deliverability, opens, clicks, and conversions.

So, the first thing we do once our new system is in place and sending campaigns is to make sure our list engagement is high, and our spam rate is low

We do this in several ways and in this training, you will learn how to identify inactive or disengaged subscribers, what to look for before removing inactive subscribers and how to identify the bounce emails to remove immediately.


So, you have done everything you think you should have done but your emails are still not getting delivered in the numbers you expect.

We appreciate email marketing is a fluid process and not a 1 size fits all strategy so our trouble shooting module provides a simple fix to the most common issues we all have from time to time as email marketers.

Email churn rate.

I think most people will have heard of the churn rate in email marketing and no matter how much time you spend building your lists and sending highly engaging content, a percentage of your list will not want to hear from you again.

But in this module, you will learn how to analyse the churn rate and apply simple methods to make sure this rate is within acceptable limits.

Customer reengagement

In the final module we focus on something not many marketers seem to bother about, and the focus is always on generating new subscribers.

Understanding why subscribers fall away and how to identify who and when to reengage can result in lots of subscribers retained and engaged which in turn produces more opens click and sales.

This is without doubt, the most detailed training ever produced for email marketers to get better results in 2024 and beyond

Did you ever see any resource with this much quality training providing the very latest methods to get more success from email marketing that this email marketing repair kit?

There is absolutely no chance of NOT multiplying your earnings by 2 or 3 times from email marketing

Simply apply the methods we feature and remember;

This is our business, we test and tweak campaigns every day to find out what works and what is no longer relative so you don't have to

But we are not done yet

We want to make sure everyone can hit the ground running and during this limited time offer, we are providing the following high value bonuses genuinely worth hundreds of dollars



Chat GPT Masterclass  

Increase your marketing productivity with this hands on workshop which shows how to use Chat GPT for maximum results


50+ Actual ChatGPT Email Marketing Prompts & Ideas

Create highly engaging emails using a selection of professional prompts and include.

Special Days, event Invitations, re-Engagement Emails, customer Testimonials, seasonal Promotions, abandoned Cart Emails

Welcome Emails and buy-One-Get-One-Free Promotions


TikTok Ad Training

Get started with the fasted growing social media platform, TikTok

Get access to this comprehensive training delivered in HD videos and discover how to reach brand new audiences, make new connections and implement new lead generation methods 

Here is more feedback from customers getting outstanding results


I am very pleased with my experience with InboxingPro as a replacement to other autoresponders I have used in past"

I can say, that I am very pleased with my experience with InboxingPro as a replacement to other autoresponders I have used in past.

Mailchimp was too restrictive in its policies toward migrating legitimate subscribers, and ConstantContact was far too expensive penalizing me for my success in building my list.

For me, the training was clear and consice, the page drag and drop drop design interface kept me efficiently creating my custom templates and the code snippets easily integrated into my existing websites.

As I stated previously, I have used many of the top autoresponders like Aweber, ConstantContact, MailChimp and Robly.com and am pleased with my purchase of InboxingPro for its functionality and ability to get maximum email deliveries.

The fact that it also allows me to reduce my costs to next to nothing is just icing on the cake!

Thank you again for creating InboxingPro

Bob Watkins  inkedin.com/in/bob-watkins


This app has been a complete time and value saver!

 I love all the features that you have included in this app as it is far superior to many of the other SMTP autoresponders that is currently out there in the marketplace.

InboxingPro reliability for email delivery and ease of use is even better in my opinion than a lot of the big named autoresponder's out there such as Aweber,  Mail Chimp and Send Reach to name a few that I have tried.

 InboxingPro is easy to use and a lot less expensive in mailing costs with a one-off price and I can even use my own SMTP hosting server for my mailings.

 I have over a 95% to 98% inbox delivery rate to my subscribers.

With all the set-up training included along with the Blacklist opt-in screening and blacklist name adding process for importing subscribers, it really helps to increase my IP reputation for my mailings.

Yesenia onlinewebstoresite.com

Are you ready to get started?

There is no time to lose...

Now is the time to take back control of your own sender reputation and get more of your emails in the inbox not the spam box

The price of this resource after the 5 day launch is $97

We want as many people as possible to go through each module because we have more opportunity to create new customers for our core services

We have re-opened the offer for 48 hours only and during this time, get unlimited access to our private membership area for just $12.95.

So you have a choice to make?

Invest in this training, apply the basics and see guaranteed results or go it alone and try to figure it out through trial and error

If you are tired of not getting the results you deserve its time to stop the hope, pray tactics, and follow a system proven to get outstanding results.

The training is delivered in 10 comprehensive modules in a combination of step-by-step tutorials and bite sized videos making it extremely easy to apply the methods and create your own bespoke system.

With this training, there is no need to purchase your own dedicated SMTP email server, this system can be set up very quickly to send millions of emails with outstanding delivery for a fraction of the cost you would typically pay

To get started click the link below to get access to our private members area.

Got Questions? - We got the answers!

What does the 14-day money back guarantee include?

Quite simply if you want a refund for any reason within 14 days just open a support ticket and let us know and we will issue a prompt refund normally within 24 hours.

Is this training guaranteed to get my emails delivered to the inbox?

No, email marketing has many moving parts, and we have no control over individual accounts but if the training is implemented and your existing domain is not blacklisted you will see amazing results.

How long to see results

It depends on the individual circumstances, if your domain name is not listed on any blacklists and you apply the basics, you can start to see inbox results in a matter of days, if you have a brand-new domain and IP, it will require a warmup to be created and this can take around 14 days.

Are there any OTO?

Yes, we are marketers after all so we have created some offers to help you get even better results and save a fortune compared to our normal prices

Do I need anything else to see results?

The training is very comprehensive with nothing left out.  To send bulk emails will require an autoresponder and you will need to connect a SMTP server, both of these services are available as special onetime offers in this offer, and you can buy other 3rd party services if you choose.

Do I get a discount if I buy your autoresponder?

Yes, we want to provide professional services to as many people as possible which is why we have priced this training so low, once you make your purchase the offer on the nest page provides our flagship autoresponder with 60% discount off our normal price.

Is this ethical

Absolutely, the main focus of this entire training is to adopt and apply best practice procedures and this is now essential to see any sort of results from email marketing.